For over twenty years, Barrett Environmental has provided a wide range of ecological services.
Our highly experienced team has a broad skills base from a variety of backgrounds and disciplines and is able to deliver efficient and cost effective solutions based on first-hand experience and best practice.
Some of the services we offer are shown below, but there are many more aspects of our work not specifically listed. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for an informal discussion on your requirements.

Protected Species Surveys & Reports
We provide surveys for many species, including bats, badgers, great crested newts, water voles, otters, white-clawed crayfish, butterflies and moths, breeding and wintering birds, reptiles and amphibians.
Our staff have expert knowledge and many years’ experience on all these species, and hold the appropriate survey licences. Our surveys are undertaken using the latest technology and analysis.
Ecological Surveys & Reports
We have a team of highly professional skilled ecologists who carry out detailed survey and mapping work including protected species surveys, Phase 1 habitat and National Vegetation Classification (NVC) surveys. We also survey for important species previously listed on local and national Biodiversity Action Plans.
Our surveys can be digitally mapped using the latest Geographical Information System (GIS) software.

Application for Natural England Licences
We have a large portfolio of successful Natural England licence applications made on behalf of our clients; including European Protected Species Mitigation (EPSM) licences. Many developments require these to be in place before work commences.
Environmental Impact Assessment / Habitats Regulations Assessment
If an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is required for a major development, Barrett Environmental can produce the ecological section of that assessment. We also prepare Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA) for developments that are close to, or may impact upon areas specifically designated by European legislation for their conservation value.
Our reports comply with the guidelines issued by CIEEM.

Ecological Risk Assessments
We carry out an initial site survey and desk top study to assess what important habitats and / species might be present and adversely affected by the planned works. This may be sufficient to meet legal obligations but it may raise the need for further more detailed surveys.
Site Supervision & Clerk of Works
Barrett Environmental Limited has many years of experience in directly supervising practical work on site.
We provide advice and recommendations to developers at all stages of the planning process to ensure smooth delivery of the project and adherence to the relevant legislation.

Habitat Management & Advice
We provide advice on the sustainable management of habitats including woodlands, grasslands, ponds, rivers and moorlands.
We also produce site management plans and recommend monitoring regimes that gauge the efficacy of management.
Training & Presentations
We provide a wide range of bespoke training to meet the needs of our clients.
Recent training courses have covered protected species awareness, great crested newt survey licenses and bat call analysis. Many of the courses / workshops we undertake can be certificated and count towards the individuals’ continuing professional development (CPD) requirements.